
CBD (Cannabidiol)

Cannabidiol oil, more popularly known as CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant which is then diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil. It is a natural constituent of industrial hemp and marijuana which are collectively called cannabis. CBD oil is one of the many compounds found in cannabis and is known for its therapeutic effects. CBD is the non-psychoactive portion of the cannabis plant, while Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) being the psychoactive portion. Generally, THC will cause a person to experience a high, but CBD will not.

THC produces the high people associate with using marijuana recreationally. Medical marijuana that contains THC will cause the person to experience a high when taking the medicine.

CBD Accessibility

CBD is not currently legal in every country in the EU but if you live in a country where it is currently legal, you can get CBD lattes in coffee shops or you can get facial treatment in spas with CBD as the key focus. Companies dealing in beauty products are beginning to produce lotion with CBD oil in their formulas. There are a also couple of places you can buy CBD in bulk. And in USA, CBD is available over the counter in most places.

 It is strongly advisable to buy third-party tested CBD recovery products for quality assurance. You should always buy CBD oil and CBD skincare products from certified CBD online stores.

“There are literally hundreds of CBD brands out there at this point,” says Brand Beatty, founder and CEO of Bluebird Botanicals and an executive vice president of the U.S. Hemp Roundtable. So, buying CBD online can be a bit overwhelming due to the many different choices.

Naturally, we would strongly recommend buying from Qanoid as all our CBD Oils are tested by third-party labs and are of premium quality. When shopping with Qanoid you can always rest assure that the product you are holding in you hand is of the highest quality.  

CBD in the USA

Following the development of cannabis in the US 2018, Sarah Lee Gosseth Parrish, a cannabis industry attorney based in Oklahoma notes the following:

“In 2018, President Trump signed a new Farm Bill that made it federally legal to grow hemp. What this means is that consumers, if they are compliant with their state regulations can grow hemp and use hemp products including CBD”.

This was a huge win for the CBD market in the US and Parish goes on to note that “Hemp can now be grown freely under federal law, having removed hemp from Drug Enforcement Administration, but it is up to each state to set their own policy,”

Currently in USA, marijuana is legal in 23 states in some form, such as for medicinal purposes. Another 14 states permit just CBD oil. Hopefully, we will see the same development in Europe over the coming years so that more research can be conducted on CBD and in extension that more people might find a better alternative for treating a wide range of conditions.


Felton K. (2020).Every question you have about CBD- Answered. Retrieved from

Kubala. J. (2018). 7 Benefits and uses of CBD oil (plus side effects). Retrieved from

Long, L., Chessworth, R., X.F., H., Spiro, A., McGregor, I. A., & Karl, T. (2012). Distint neurobehavioural effects of cannabidiol in transmembrane domain neuregulin 1 mutant mice. 7(4). doi

Scott, S.; Opila-Lehmann, J., (2016). Effectiveness of cannabidiol oil for pediatric anxiety and insomnia as part of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A case report. Permanente Journal. 20(14). doi:10.7812/TPP/16-005
Zuardi, A.W. (2018). Cannabidiol: from an inactive cannaboid to a drug with wide spectrum of action. 30(3). 271- 280. doi: 10.159/5151644462008000300015
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